Look out for some common Symptoms
of Anger

Physical reactions

Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, tingling sensation, muscle tension

Emotional symptoms

Irritability, frustration, anxiety, rage, stress, feeling overwhelmed, guilt

Not sure about your

Types of Anger Issues


This type of anger is at yourself with dark thoughts, negative self-talk, self-punishment or even going into isolation. Like depriving oneself of enjoyable activities, such as watching television or exercising, and can even extend to denying basic needs like food and water.


This involves expressing anger verbally or physically towards others and objects. It may involve breaking things, attacking others, shouting, cursing, throwing or breaking objects, and being verbally or physically abusive towards others.


This involves using subtle and indirect methods to express anger. Examples of this behavior include giving someone the silent treatment, sulking, sarcasm, degrading others, and making snide remarks.

How Mannkaa approach help you

We aim to reduce your stress and anger-inducing situations, enhance self-control, and facilitate healthy expression of emotions. The therapy helps in identifying what triggers your anger, allowing you to self-monitor and practice coping strategies.

Therapy assists you in recognizing and modifying negative thought patterns that contribute to anger, promoting non-aggressive communication, and fostering emotional regulation and the development of coping skills for challenging situations.

Types of therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT can aid in comprehending the triggers of anger, fostering the development and rehearsal of coping mechanisms, and fostering changes in thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in reaction to anger. This process leads to a state of greater calmness and self-control.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a variant of CBT specifically beneficial for individuals experiencing intense or frequent anger episodes. DBT focuses on enhancing emotional regulation, cultivating distress tolerance skills, fostering mindfulness, and promoting effective communication within relationships. Through these strategies, individuals can regain emotional control and manage their anger more effectively.

Psychodynamic Therapy

This therapy can help you examine the psychological roots of your anger and your reactions to it, so that you can identify and rectify unhealthy patterns. This approach is centered on self-reflection and aims to unveil unconscious motivations, thus alleviating inner tension. It can teach you alternative methods of expressing anger that do not impact your relationships with friends, family, and colleagues.

Take therapy for Anger Issues today

We tried to answer the most
asked questions for Anger Issues

Is it necessary to be an angry person to learn Anger Management Skills? drowp icom

No, it isn`t. Individuals may handle anger differently—some suppress their emotions and find it challenging to communicate, while others avoid addressing issues and cultivate negative attitudes over time. Additionally, some exhibit passive-aggressive behaviors such as complaining or moodiness. Given that many of us lack guidance in regulating anger, the fundamental reality is that everyone can gain from anger management techniques.

Can children experience the same kind of anger as adults? If so, what causes it?drowp icom

What are typical triggers for men to experience anger?drowp icom

What are typical triggers for women to experience anger?drowp icom

Does experiencing anger indicate mental illness?drowp icom

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