Look out for some common
symptoms of Sleep

Difficulty falling or staying asleep

Daytime fatigue

Lie awake for long periods at night

Feel down or have a lower mood

Wake up several times during the night

Strong urge to take naps during the day

Unusual breathing patterns

Unusual movement or other experiences while asleep

Unusual or unpleasant urges to move while falling asleep

Unintentional changes to your sleep/wake schedule

Irritability or anxiety

Impaired performance at work or school

Lack of concentration

Not sure about your

Causes of sleep problem

Physical disturbances

(e.g., chronic pain from arthritis, headaches, fibromyalgia)

Psychiatric disorders

(e.g., depression and anxiety disorders)

Medical conditions

(e.g., sleep apnea)

Environmental factors

(e.g., excessive brightness, partner’s snoring)

Take therapy for Sleep Issues today

How Mannkaa approach help you

Our support aims to unravel the reasons behind your sleep struggles, fostering awareness of your daily routines and sleep hygiene habits.

We guide you in identifying and correcting unhelpful thoughts, offering techniques to assess and replace sleep-disruptive thoughts with more realistic and positive ones.

We assist in cultivating healthy sleep habits and routines tailored to your needs.

Our focus extends to identifying and addressing underlying mental health issues contributing to your sleep challenges, ensuring a sustainable solution.

While some resort to short-term fixes like sleeping pills, therapy provides an avenue to reduce your dependence on medication.

We provide tools to ease fears and anxiety associated with insufficient sleep, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.

Types of therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT targets negative thoughts and behavioral patterns that fuel insomnia and other sleep-related issues. Cognitive Therapy helps you identify and modify negative beliefs and thoughts (cognitions) associated with your sleep difficulties. Behavioral Therapy guides you in discontinuing behaviors that disrupt your sleep and adopting healthier sleep habits in their place.

Relaxation Techniques

Deep-breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery facilitate falling asleep. Mindfulness meditation practiced before bedtime promotes a tranquil and restful sleep.

We tried to answer the most
asked questions for Sleep issues

How much sleep do I really need? drowp icom

The amount of sleep needed varies significantly across age groups and individuals. For most adults, the optimal sleep duration falls between 7 to 8 hours per night. Infants typically require approximately 16 hours of sleep daily, while teenagers generally need around 9 hours.

What happens if I don’t get enough sleep?drowp icom

What exactly is sleep apnea?drowp icom

What exactly is sleep hygiene?drowp icom

Can sleep deprivation contribute to mental disorders?drowp icom

Still in doubt?
We’re here to help

No worries! Just drop your contact details and our mental health advisor will contact you to answer your queries.