Look out for some common symptoms of Stress

Emotional symptoms

Experiencing frequent agitation, frustration, and mood swings

Struggling to relax and calm your mind

Dealing with low self-esteem, loneliness, and depression

Feeling overwhelmed or lacking control

Physical symptoms

Low energy

Muscle tension, aches and pains


Chest discomfort and accelerated heart rate

Sleep disturbances

Loss of sexual desire and/or ability

Not sure about your

How Mannkaa approach help you

Our therapists help individuals address stress that occurs in response to an external events, rumination, or self-criticism.

We make you aware of stress causes and triggers, empowering you to identify solutions or implement beneficial lifestyle changes.

We equip people with effective and healthy coping mechanisms for stress, encompassing relaxation techniques and enjoyable activities to alleviate tension.

Types of therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT stands out as one of the most prevalent therapy approaches, focusing on thought patterns and behaviors. The therapist assist in recognizing stressors and developing healthier responses to mitigate their impact. CBT can be applied short-term or long-term, making it adaptable for chronic mental health issues and acute stress from traumatic events. Therapists guide clients in identifying negative thought patterns that influence behaviors and emotions, empowering them to reshape their experiences.

Mindfulness-Based Therapies

Mindfulness techniques and structured meditation possess significant stress-relieving potential, often incorporated by therapists into therapy sessions. These practices enable individuals to redirect their focus away from unconstructive thoughts, promoting present-moment awareness. Therapeutic modalities like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) leverage mindfulness to regulate emotions effectively.

Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-focused methods can aid individuals pinpointing specific situational sources of stress. This therapeutic approach typically involves six to eight sessions, concentrating on assisting individuals in identifying solutions for particular issues and stressors they encounter. While individuals with stress-related issues such as anxiety, depression, grief, or trauma may benefit from longer-term therapy, solution-focused therapy can provide assistance to those facing short-term stress due to life transitions or changes.

Take therapy for Stress today

We tried to answer the most
asked questions for Stress

How can I identify stress within myself?? drowp icom

Stress can exhibit various symptoms depending on the individual, such as heart palpitations, mood swings, panic attacks, excessive reliance on caffeine, anxiety, decreased confidence, aggression, headaches, ineffective time management, and difficulty concentrating.

How can I lower my stress levels?drowp icom

How do I know if I am stressed or anxious?drowp icom

Can I die from stress?drowp icom

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